Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GIAC recertification - taking exam is not the only option

I have been taking GIAC exams every time any of my GIAC ceritifications was about to expire and I always wondered if they can come out with an alternate option like the CISSP's CPE approach. Well the time has come and GIAC has finally made a major shift and given some options to the certified professionals. In short they have this Certification Maintenance Unit (CMU) approach. You will need to have 36 CMUs to get recertified. The CMUs can be earned by publishing a technical research paper, completing information assurance related training, documented work experience or GIAC / SANS community participation. For more information you can check thier website -

Though you can escape the examination, however, you cannot escape the recertification fees of $399 which has to be paid irrespective of what option you choose for the recertification.

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